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Design System

A section should โ€‹have paddings of:
Desktop: right 5%, left 5%
Tab: right 2%, left 2%
Mobile: right 2%, left 2%


Text Input

  • Text input elements should have the following widths:

    • Desktop: 50% if it's inside a cell which is a part of a two-column section

    • Tab: 100%

    • Mobile: 100%


  • Textbox elements should have a fixed min-height of 200px for all breakpoints and the following widths while taking the full width of a one-column section

    • Desktop: 100%

    • Tab: 100%

    • Mobile: 100%


Buttons should have (for all breakpoints)
- a fixed min-height of 40px
- a width of 140px and this width should be adjusted depending on the width of the text inside

Hire Talent

Radio button

Delivery time
  • Radio buttons should have the following widths:

    • Desktop: 50% if it's inside a cell which is a part of a two-column section

    • Tab: 100%

    • Mobile: 100%โ€‹

  • It should not have any fixed height because most of the time we would not know how many options are going to be in the radio button group

Date picker

kalke korbo

I will do it tomorrow.

Repeater (for all the listing pages)

- Repeaters should stretch to the container section. That means it would fill up the full width and full height of the section. To achieve the behaviour, use the 'stretch' option
- Repeater items should have a gap of 10px on all breakpoints
- Try to copy-paste this repeater for other usages on other pages

Ridoy Khan

Kali Linux Experiment Specialist



Wix developer specializing in Wix Velo coding to develop custom features and advanced functionalities on Wix sites and helping businesses with Wix developer specializing in Wix Velo coding to develop custom features and advanced functionalities on Wix sites and helping businesses with


I think we should change the color of the dropdown from blue to black because it's just another element that takes inputs from users. So why should it be different from other input elements?

Talent Resume 

Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.

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